The Ultimate Waxing Rulebook: Do’S And Don’Ts Of Waxing

By Urban Company
5 min read
Sep 19, 2017
Waxing sessions are like your period. Even though you have had them umpteen number of times, you will never be able to anticipate what is in store for you ...

Waxing sessions are like your period. Even though you have had them umpteen number of times, you will never be able to anticipate what is in store for you and not even the slightest clue on how to handle it. We either forget our last waxing session or somehow get through it without trying to do anything to alleviate the inconvenience. So here, we bring to you the
ultimate waxing rule book stating the do’s and don’ts of waxing.
# 6 Do’s of the waxing rulebook.
Here are six things to do ritually before, during and after every waxing session you undergo. These include tips for easy hair removal and pain management.
Things to do Before Waxing:
1. Exfoliate the dirt:
During waxing, hair gets pulled out of the skin pore right from the follicles i.e, the roots of the hair. This makes regrowth slower. But dirt and dust settled in these pores clogs them and makes it tough for the hairs to get pulled out. To avoid this, exfoliate the area that you want to wax with a store bought or a homemade scrub. The scrub will brush through the pores, clean them up and will open them for the hairs to be pulled.

2. Tend to bruises and cuts:
Have some fresh bruises and cuts? let them heal completely. Because a damaged part of the skin deteriorates even more with hot wax and the pulling out action. Tend to these injuries and only then schedule your waxing appointment.

3. Pamper with Baby Powder:
Most places that require waxing have sebaceous glands or sweat glands right beneath the skin. Liquids therefore keep leaking out of our body all the time. This makes the skin oily and greasyfor the wax to be pulled off. Therefore, sprinkle some baby powder on the skin before you apply the wax so that it absorbs all the oil and makes it easy for the wax to come off from the skin.

Things to do During the Waxing session:
4. Numb the Pain:
Although this is an optional step, but it can help a lot in relieving the pain from waxing.
Take some toothache numbing cream and smear it across the area to be waxed. Essentially, a toothache numbing cream numbs the nerves at the root of the tooth and calms the pain. This works in the same way with your skin too. The nerve endings are calmed, and you might not experience much pain.
5. Hold your skin tightly:
Right before you pull the wax strip off the skin, hold it tight and spread it well. Expanding the skin’s surface will expand the pores of the skin making it easy for the hair to escape the grip. Therefore, hold the skin beneath tightly for an easy removal.
6. Pull against the direction of your growth:
While applying wax, if you are doing it on your own, smear it in the direction of the hair growth. This will help the wax settle on the skin the way your skin is. But while pulling it, pull it from the opposite direction of your hair growth. For, if the wax is ripped in the same direction, hair might be removed only at the superficial level and thus leading to ingrown hairs. Pulling the wax against hair growth can pull the hair out with the follicles.

# 7 Don’ts of the waxing rulebook
You have been warned! These seven things cannot be undone no matter what, either before, during or after a waxing session.
Things to avoid before your waxing session:
7. Off the Period:
While you are on your period, do not ever schedule a waxing session!. Your body is also tired of bleeding and your entire system needs a break. . Spare your skin the pain and agony and patiently wait for your red days to pass.
8. No Razor
Between two waxing appointments, never shave, even for emergencies. Once you have waxed, your hair begins to change its behavior and aligns it to suit the waxing system. It will grow much lesser and thinner. But once = a razor is used, it will go back to its old behavior to grow thick and dense and even develop twins in the same pore.

9. As long as it takes
Usually it’s recommended that the ideal length of the hair to be waxed should be approximately ½ an inch. So if the hair is longer, DON’T DO IT. Why? Because long hair runs the risk of getting tangled below the wax, knotted with other hairs or can even attract dust and dirt making the process of waxing more painful. Instead, trim it down a bit and wait for a week or two to grow them into the perfect length. Even if the hair is too short, DON’T DO IT. Why? Because short hair gives no mass for the wax to stick on to. Therefore, the wax will stick to your skin and peel it off as it rips.
Things to avoid during the session:
10. Do Not Moisturize
Using a moisturizer or an oil right before you wax might give you an impression that it will soothe the pain. But it will make matters worse because the wax will slip over your hydrated skin and will not do its job properly. The wax will not pull out the hair completely and you will be left around with patches of undone skin.
11. Stay Away if suffering from Allergies
A victim of skin allergies? Then stay a mile away from the hot wax trying to rip off your hair. It has not been tested fully how an allergy sensitive skin reacts to wax..You can perhaps look at other hair removal measures such as razor and hair removal cream. Better still, consult a dermatologist.
12. Don’t take it slow
If you are doing it yourself, it might tempt you to pull the wax off slowly because you are in a delusion that slow pulling is less painful. So, you need to be swift and quick while pulling the strip. This will ensure that the hair comes off properly and the pain too is controlled
Things to avoid after waxing:
13. Avoid the Sun
After you have freshly waxed, your skin is extra sensitive and hence getting exposed to the harsh sun might not be a good idea. The skin post waxing is raw and receptive and strong sunlight might make it more sensitive. Your skin might even develop little burns and irritations.
Try following these important steps to ensure that your waxing session is a relaxed one and you don’t have to deal with post waxing woes either. To a beautiful lady and her equally gorgeous skin!

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