For The New Mom- Lactation Myths Busted

By Urban Company
2 min read
Feb 23, 2017
Hello new Mommy! Oh and hello plenty of advice from aunts, grandmothers, cousins, friends and even the pesky Aunty next door! While some of their advice may be ...

Hello new Mommy! Oh and hello plenty of advice from aunts, grandmothers, cousins, friends and even the pesky Aunty next door! While some of their advice may be a real boon during the initial stage of you getting used to motherhood and breastfeeding, it’s likely there’s also a whole bunch of tips that fall firmly in the myth category!
Let’s help you sift through some of what you may hear and prepare you for a healthy, nurturing breastfeeding relationship with your baby:
Myth 1: If your breasts are small, you aren’t making enough milk for baby:

Truth: Breast size has absolutely nothing to do with milk production. Your body is a powerhouse of resources and it’s actually the breast tissue inside that is responsible for milk production. That’s where milk ducts are located – so while the fatty tissue is what determines the size and shape of your breasts, it’s a whole host of other factors that determine how much milk you are making for your baby.
Myth 2: Stop breastfeeding if you have an inflammation or blocked milk duct:
Truth: Feed as much as you can to loosen out that blocked duct. A baby’s powerful sucking motion can actually help to remove the excess milk that’s blocking the ducts, which in turn will alleviate your discomfort. Besides frequent nursing, try expressing under a warm shower or even apply a hot compress on the affected breast. It’s also a good idea to avoid tight fitting and underwired bras.
Myth 3: Eat only bland food while nursing:

Truth: As long as you aren’t going overboard with spicy roadside Schezwan noodles and greasy mirchi pakodas, it is perfectly alright to stick to your regular diet. Eat healthy, well balanced meals and even if it comprises of strong flavours like garlic, chilli or onion – research shows that trace amounts of this flavour the breast milk and set up baby’s tastebuds for future meals when he/she grows up!
Myth 4: Don’t exercise, it’ll reduce your milk supply
Truth: Stay fit and continue nursing. As long as you’re cleared for exercise from your doctor, you can continue with a fitness regime and breastfeed at the same time. Your body and mind will feel a whole lot more energised with the exercise
Myth 5: You must not breastfeed in public

Truth: Breastfeed whenever and wherever your baby wants and you are able to. No one can discriminate against a woman breastfeeding her child and if you’re travelling or at a public spot, it is perfectly natural to give in to your child’s demand for milk. If you’re worried about exposure while nursing, use a light blanket or scarf or a nursing wrap to cover yourself. Remember, your baby’s happiness is far more important that anyone’s judgement.
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