Complete Guide To Graphic Design Packages

By Urban Company
5 min read
Aug 30, 2017
Given the visual culture age we leave in, we all can unanimously agree to the fact that a business, old or new, small or big, is always in need ...
Given the visual culture age we leave in, we all can unanimously agree to the fact that a business, old or new, small or big, is always in need of good graphic design for brand image enhancement. One just cannot overstate the importance of building a strong brand image. To save the day there are online graphic design packages which categorize the wide spectrum of brand building into simple bundles of tasks giving corporate option to choose. Read on to know how most of these packages work.
Most of the packages come in these following categories:
1. Visual Branding Package:
These will appeal to the brand communication team of a company who are working towards building business identity. Following a consistent design for all the brand elements and communication materials which will reinforce the company’s presence. It creates an image in the mind of the viewer. The viewer or a prospective client will associate a particular color combination or a design to the corporate if it is found on all of their identity and communication materials. This way, the company can begin to build a strong brand appeal in the corporate scenario.
Visual Branding packages usually include the following elements:
* Logo Design
A logo is one of the strongest elements of a corporate identity. It personifies the very spirit of the company into a simple symbol and can be used magnanimously anywhere to represent the company in forms of print or digital media. The logo can be used for alternate applications. Visual branding packages offer the following services for logo designing with
top logo designers.
• They offer to design a primary logo and create a supporting tagline.
• They create an image version and a watermark version of the Logo for social media branding.
• They use primary and secondary color palettes for branding.
• Files for print/web in CMYK/RGB/Spot/BW
* Font
The designers in graphic design packages accept to create a particular font for the corporate. Typography experts are employed to look through this and create a unique font that can be used wherever necessary. Having a different font will set aside your textual communication through print and online medias from other corporates or companies.
2. Brand Stationary Designing:
Many graphic designers call the stationary designing the Achilles heel of any corporate. It is usually neglected by many with a notion of “oh! It’s just a paper”. But none of them realize that it is the most effective way to put forth official communication while enforcing a robust brand image. Even though the effect seems to be subtle, the mental image that the stationary with standard design creates takes time to be shaken off.
Here are few products that Brand Stationary Designing deals with:
a. Business Cards:
Every conversation amongst professionals ends with “Can I have your card? I shall get back to you”. Even though we have begun to depend on online contacts system, the habit of giving business cards has not faded away. The idea is to reinforce your brand image or corporate identity through the business card. In this way, the card acts as the most personal extension of the visual branding of the company.
b. Letter Heads and Envelopes:
Communication sent across channels from an official capacity is supposed to bear an authority and significance. The connotation attached to it coupled with an apparent business brand images printed on it will strengthen the communication even more.
c. Files, Writing Pads and pens:
To create a common work environment, extending the brand design to writing pads, pens and files will work well. A common notion is spread across the office and this further builds a solidarity amongst employees.
d. Digital Stationary:
Power point presentations and keynotes are a recurring aspect in any corporate. These are either presented to the people within the corporate or prospective clients and external entities. In the second case, the idea of presenting with accordance to the image already built throughout the corporate is inviting for it will emphasize on the corporate identity onto the clients.
3. Online Brand Management Package:
the internet is where all the deals are being struck these days. Being open to everyone and accessible by everyone, the prospects of online business presence are increasing day by day. The scope for a business to build its brand online will always be on a rise for everyone is on the internet and there is full disclosure of knowledge. Therefore, creating an identity on the internet is equally imperative. From all the thousands of online logos and websites, your needs to stand out and for that, better opt for such packages.
Online Brand Management Packages provide:
a. Website Designing:
A website is an indispensable tool for an organization. As discussed earlier, the internet is growing in its significance and it is the duty of an organization to have a well-designed, informative and efficient website engineered for public view. The website is visible 24 hours a day for 365 days a year. Therefore, it is expected to engage the viewers and deliver the answers to all their questions.
These are the services that a web designing package provides:
• Basic website designing, following suit with the color scheme used in brand management.
• Creating codes to make the website accessible on variant platforms like laptops, tabs, phones and desktops.
• Create a Search Engine Friendly website.
• Provide Free hosting at least for a year and provide domain names.
b. Social Media Handle Designing:
Twitter has the option to design the handle for every account. Here, the packages help to personalize the template to represent the company. The color, the graphics and the designs together can bolster the company’s performance online.
4. External and Internal Social Communication Packages:
These pertain to newsletters that are distributed within and outside the premises of the corporate to communicate with employees, existing or prospective clients, internal and external stakeholders. It is important to fortify the brand image through these tools for they give out information about the corporate and therefore carry the aura of the brand with them.
Overall, by opting for one of the many brand developing graphic designing packages, a corporate can underpin its impression within and outwardly. The corporate will be well represented in the sea of anonymous companies and will take deep roots in the society’s memory.