7 Helpful Winter Workout Tips To Follow

By Urban Company
3 min read
Feb 09, 2018
As February sets in many of us are already gearing to get into our summer outfits. But to be able to flaunt that healthy body during summers, you need ...

As February sets in many of us are already gearing to get into our summer outfits. But to be able to flaunt that healthy body during summers, you need to start working out already. The cold and lazy winters might have interrupted your workout sessions, but it’s time you get back to being fitter and healthier! Fitness is definitely not dictated by your weight or slimness, it’s a measure of your immunity. To keep your health in check, it’s necessary that you work out in summers and winters alike. Here are a few tips that will help you in attaining your fitness goals.
1. Get that perfect WorkOut Outfit

They say you perform best when you’re looking your best. That’s quite true. Rev up your winter workout style quotient by switching your attire from the drab night clothes you often end up working out in. Ditch your boring leggings or lowers for Trendy fleece or wool leggings and team them with a colourful top and Jogger’s Jacket.
2. 20-Minute Total Body Rowing Workout:

An indoor rower, or rowing machine, is a machine used to simulate the action of watercraft rowing for the purpose of exercise or training for
rowing. Devote 20 minutes of your time to this rowing machine and glam yourself up in no time.
3. Stock up on Workout Equipment:

If you’re feeling a little too lazy to go outside your home in the winter chills, and of course if you don’t mind splurging, build a gym at home! That’s right, all you need is a beautiful airy room and equipment to be at peace with working out at home. You could easily deck up your home gym with
1. Dumbbells
2. Kettlebell
3. Pull Up Bar
4. Jump Rope
5. Medicine Ball
6. Plyo-Box
7. Barbell
8. Weight Plates
Put on that dope record list and exercise your way through winter blues.
[Also read: [The No-Equipment Workout You Must Do At Home]](https://www.urbancompany.com/blog/lifestyle/health/the-no-equipment-workout-you-must-do-at-home/?utm%5Fsource=article&utm%5Fmedium=Winterworkouttips&utm%5Fcampaign=Blog-Inline "The No-Equipment Workout You Must Do At Home")
4. Stay nourished for Winter Workouts:

Little or no workout during winters might make us put on some extra weight and also make us sluggish. Hence, in addition to working out, it is important to keep yourself well-nourished with as less junk food as possible, and indulging in nuts and lighter salads. Drink Green tea to increase your metabolism rate and quicken the fitness check.
5. Maintain a strict routine:

It is vital to have a proper routine to be able to reach those fitness goals. . Keep it managed with a set timetable, wake up early and begin your day with a hot energizing glass of lemonade with honey, work up a sweat as you follow a detailed Exercise Routine according to your set personalized plan, eat your meals right and take proper rest.
6. Play!

There’s nothing quite like sports that is undoubtedly fun and can keep you energized & excited for the next session. push away the lethargy and join a sport if you don’t play one already. It could be anything from indoor games like badminton & ping-pong to football & basketball. Sports keep your health in check all through your life and come with the everlasting added fun!
7. Dance

Dance away your laziness, blues and lethargy. Yes! Dance is the only workout more fun than sports, try Zumba, contemporary or just basic Bollywood style dance for fun and fitness motivation.
[You can also read: [The Ultimate Workout Playlist]](https://www.urbancompany.com/blog/lifestyle/health/ultimate-workout-playlist/?utm%5Fsource=article&utm%5Fmedium=Winterworkouttips&utm%5Fcampaign=Blog-Inline "The Ultimate Workout Playlist")
8. Workout indoors:

Here’s a small set of exercises you can pull off indoors and save yourself from the cruel cold.
• Jump Rope
• Dancing
• Stair Stepping
• The Plank
• Lunges
• Cleaning
• Water bottle weights
• Jumping Jacks
Winters are indeed a difficult time to exercise, owing to all that lazing around, the cold and the long nights, but winter workouts can be fun if managed and kept in check. Consult the
professional fitness trainersfrom Urban Company to help you with a home workout program. This makes sure you can set and achieve realistic body goals in summers and winters alike.
Now that we’ve shared these valuable tips to beat the winter lazy syndrome, we’re hoping you’ve picked up all the tricks (and enough motivation) to get out of bed and take an inspired run around the neighborhood. This winter, raise the temperatures as you wait to bring your summer clothes out! Keep shining, more power to you!